What Is An 'A' Frame Tent?
The “A” frame tent is called such because of its appearance looks like a capital A. Next to the Teepee, the “A” frame tent is one of the most basic, easiest and most versatile style of tent. The “A” structure of the tent gives it the ability to block the wind and divert water away from the center sleeping area, providing a sturdy, dry area for someone to get out of any inclimate weather.
There are different ways to construct an A frame tent. The most basic way is to tie a line horizontally between two trees or poles (a stick or pole will do in place of a line) and drape some sort of fabric over it. Staking or weighing down the sides of the fabric angled away from the center to create an open sleeping or living space in the middle. If poles are used instead of trees, Guy Lines are needed on the poles to create opposite tension away from the weight of the fabric.