In a time long forgotten. During a time when people were not the top of the food chain. Grew a community of people who were constantly being tormented by a ferocious beast. This beast had the head and body of a lion, only it was five times bigger and covered in scales instead of fur. This beast had several large canine teeth that protruded from its mouth, and claws sharp enough and powerful enough to cut through a person with ease.
The locals called this beast the “Medicrine”. The Medicrine only had to eat but once a month. When it did eat though, it ate a lot. The most favorite thing it went after were people. After people, it often went after any type of waterfowl.
Luckily for the people of the community, the Medicrines’ hunger began like clockwork. Every month at the same exact time, the Medicrine would emerge from its’ den and begin hunting.