The Relentless Coffin

Late October...
Brent was out jogging after dinner one night as he did most nights. This night was proving to be a little harder for him because he was battling a cold and it was windy and rainy out. However, he had been training to run a “Tough Mudders” course and thought this would be a good chance for him to train in similar conditions to the course. Soon he found himself running off the beaten path. The path he took was very muddy and led him around the back side of a cemetery that was partially fenced in. He always thought it was odd that cemeteries had fences around them. Then for some reason it popped in his head that it’s probably because people were “Dying To Get In.”

Laughing to himself he cut through the fence into the cemetery. Knowing this cemetery was close to where he lived, and knew there was a path that led him almost right by his house. That’s when he heard a loud thumping noise. Brent didn’t think much of it because he often heard thumping noises coming from the cemetery. More than likely, it was just the night grounds crew digging a grave for some poor soul that had passed away.

Brent continued jogging the path, then he noticed the thump bumping noise was getting louder and closer to him. Which was very odd. The ground crew shouldn’t be moving around like that when digging a grave. So, Brent stopped for a moment to look around to see if he could tell where the thump bumping noise was coming from. Wondering if it was just his imagination or if the ground crew was moving something. The thump bumping continued. Only this time it sounded like it was getting real close.

Soon he looked up at the path behind him and noticed an old black coffin bouncing and rocking its’ way towards him. Not wanting any part of what was happening, Brent started off running. He could hear the thump bumping getting quicker and louder as he ran. As he looked over his shoulder, he could see the coffin getting closer. Brent cut through a couple grave sites hoping the tombstones would slow the bouncing coffin down. They didn’t. The coffin just blasted through them like they were nothing. Then Brent saw a shed the cemetery had for its ground crew and ran right towards it.

The coffin kept bouncing and rocking its way towards Brent. Brent opened the door of the shed and ran inside. Soon the coffin made its way to the shed door and “BANGED” right into it. Opening the lid of the coffin for just a moment for Brent to see a horrific skeleton inside. Brent grabbed whatever he could find to throw at the coffin. Shovels, hammers, rakes, even big bags of dirt and cement. Anything and everything he could find. Nothing seemed to stop the coffin from getting to Brent.

Then Brent busted through the back door of the shed and fell down on the ground. The coffin thumped, bumped and bounced its way through the shed and closer and closer to Brent.

Brent quickly got up and started to grab whatever he could that was near him. He grabbed handfuls of dirt, flowerpots, and candles from gravesites, even sticks and rocks. The coffin just kept bouncing and rocking towards Brent. Then Brent got to the edge of the cemetery and had nowhere else to go because it was fenced off. The coffin kept getting closer and closer to Brent. Brent reached into his pocket and grabbed a handful of cough drops and threw them at the coffin.

Right then the Coffin Stopped!

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Listen To The Audio Version of..
“The Relentless Coffin”
And Remember …
Camp Happy And With A Purpose!!