Dinner For Lunch
(Full Audio Version of this Story is Located at the bottom)
There was a boy who always woke up late. He would wake up around noon on most days. The boy’s parents were tired of telling him the importance of waking up early in the morning.
One day, his mother decided to teach him a lesson.
Before going to bed, the son asked,
“What are we going to have for breakfast tomorrow, mom?”
“My guess is that you’ll have lunch for breakfast,” replied the mother.

The boy did not understand the reply but didn’t ask its meaning either. He went to bed. He woke up at noon the next day, had his breakfast and asked his mother,
“Mom, what are we gonna have for lunch?”
“You’ll be having dinner for lunch,” answered the mom.
In the evening, the son asked, “What are we gonna have for dinner?”
“There is no dinner. You had dinner for lunch. Now there is no time for dinner,” replied the mother.

“But why are we not having anything at the right time?” asked the perplexed son.
“Because you never got up at the right time! If you have lunch as your breakfast, then it is only correct to have dinner for lunch. It means you get no food for dinner.”
The boy finally understood what his mom was talking about and made it a point to get up early the next day.

Dinner For Lunch
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Dinner For Lunch
Written & Read By: Dwayne R. Nawrocki ( Founder of Campfire Stories and Smore.com )