The Hook Hand Murder Mystery Killer
A New Classic
The Hook Hand Murder Mystery Killer is an updated version of the classic Campfire Story that has been told around the campfire time and time again. Now the story has been updated to be more relatable to kids of today and yet keep some of that old time classic feel that will still send a chill down your spine.

The Campfire Story Begins
Julie was getting ready for her upcoming date. Just like most days while getting ready, she was listening to one of her favorite podcasts. My Favorite Murder Mystery. This podcast was about an incident that happened a few years ago. Strangely enough, the event happened close to where her and her boyfriend were going to the movies for their date.

The podcast spoke of a local construction guy who was working on a jobsite driving a bulldozer to clear trees for an access road for a new strip mall. During construction, some local boys thought that it would be funny to vandalize the construction area and play juvenile pranks on the equipment. Even though the construction site had several cameras set up around the site, none of the boys were ever identified. All they knew was that there were at least four of them.

One morning, the bulldozer operator started up his rig to let it warm up. He noticed the engine was making weird noises and not sounding right. Not thinking much of it because it was an older bulldozer he began driving it. He noticed it was hard to get it into gear. It then started jumping forward and a screeching sound kept coming from the gear tracks. Finding this strange he decided to park the bulldozer in front of a large oak tree to keep it from moving. He then went to walk around it to check everything out. He noticed an empty can lodged in one of the gear tracks and as he reached in to pull the can out, the dozer unexpectedly lurched forward. Pushing the large oak tree while also crushing and ripping the construction worker’s hand clear off.

After all the emergency personal had left, the road construction was put on hold for further investigation. It was later found that something was put in the gas tank and junk was smashed into base of the gear shifters. Making it sputter and lurch erratically. The delay was costing the company paying for the road hundreds of thousands of dollars. They then decided it would cost less to connect the strip mall to an already established paved road. Turning the area they were clearing into a regular dirt road. Most of the construction workers were laid off due to the road change and the one that lost his hand in the incident couldn’t work at all. The company’s lawyers found that the man was negligent in his inspection and only agreed to cover half of his medical bills. Not only costing the man his hand but now he was severely in debt.

A few years later, on that same dirt road three teen boys were found dead laying just beyond the slanted oak tree. All three of them with one of their hands cut off and a note reading “One More” written in blood on the tree. Police and investigators never found the murderer. Everyone knew it had to be the construction worker though. The thing is, no one has ever seen or heard from him sense the incident. The rumor was that because he was so far in debt all he could afford was a hook to replace his hand and that he swore vengeance against the boys who did this to him.

Julie’s boyfriend Steve arrived at her house soon after the podcast finished. As they were heading to the movies for their date, Steve asked her if she listened to the day’s podcast at all. She said she did, and they both started talking about how crazy it was that it happened only a few miles away from where they were going. Steve said he knew where the road where everything happened was. In fact, he remembered messing around there when they were building that road as a kid before his family moved. Then said he thought it would be fun to drive down the road to see where the murders happened on their way to the movie. A little apprehensive, Julie agreed, but made Steve promise they weren’t going to stop at all. The podcast insisted these murders were real and it freaked her out a bit but Steve basically thought that the podcast was just a slew of made-up scary stories. Like Bigfoot or Snipes.

Turning down the dirt road, Steve slowed the car down looking for any signs to where this murder might have occurred. The podcast didn’t give many details but mentioned something about a curve in the road that had a big, slanted oak tree with a huge gash in it where the bulldozer supposedly started to push it over.

Rounding a bend in the road, Steve thought he saw the tree just up ahead. Getting excited he slowed the car down even more. Julie, getting a little nervous and scared, reminding Steve that he promised he wasn’t going to stop. Steve dismissingly replied, “I know I know”. Then, as he crept the car past the tree, something big hit the front passenger’s side of the car. Julie screamed and Steve yelled out “What The?” Steve immediately stopped the car. Julie begged Steve to keep going and they’ll check it out when they get to the movie theater. Steve thought some kids heard the podcast too and were messing with people as they drove by and threw something at the car. Reassuring Julie that everything was alright and that he was just going to check it out really quick. Maybe scare off the kids messing with them.

Steve got out of the car and walked around to the passenger side. He notice a big dent on the front panel of the car. Hearing a rustling sound beyond the oak tree he turned to the woods and started screaming that he was going to kill who ever did this. He then ran into the woods to try and find the culprits. Julie screamed for Steve to come back to the car.

Freaking out, Julie quickly locked all the doors and started crying out for Steve to come back. Frantically scanning the woods, trying to see signs of Steve anywhere. After a few minutes, Julie heard a loud scratching sound down the driver’s side of the car. She looked around but couldn’t see anything. She yelled for Steve to stop it and that it wasn’t funny. Thinking he was playing a joke on her. Then she heard something scratching across the back of the car. Shaking, crying and ultimately freaking out, Julie hopped into the driver’s side of the still running car. Still yelling for Steve to stop messing around. Then she heard the scratching sound make its way down the passenger side of the car. Julie kept yelling for Steve to stop it and that it wasn’t funny and that she was going to leave him there.

All of a sudden, the handle of the passenger door started to rattle like someone was trying to get in. Right then Julie screamed and put the car in drive and slammed on the gas. The tires spun on the dirt for a second and then the car took off. Julie drove as fast as she could until she made it to the strip mall where the movie theater was. She through the car in park. Shaking and crying hysterically she managed to steady her hand enough to unlock the car to get out. After she got out, she walked around, noticing one long scratch mark down the driver’s side of the car. Then another one across the back. As she made her way to the passenger side of the car her eyes got super big, and she fell to her knees screaming and crying. Hanging from the passenger door handle was a bloody hook.

Steve’s body was later found just beyond the oak tree with his hand cut off and “Last One” written in his blood on the tree.

Hook Hand Murder Mystery Killer: (Audio: 8min 22sec)
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Camp Happy And With A Purpose !!