Experiencing Life Outside the Box
Campers are generally a unique-minded group of people. Who in their right mind wants to leave all the comforts of home and all you have acquired in life thus far? Things like indoor plumbing, a warm bed, a fully functional entertainment system and kitchen, and on-demand heating and cooling are really enjoyable. Campers choose to abandon this for a certain duration of time and call it a “vacation” or “getting away from it all.”
What campers know that a lot of other people don’t—or at least take the time to experience—is how life is much bigger than just the little box that is our life. For the most part, many of us wake up and turn on a box to see what the rest of the world is doing. Then open a box to get something to eat, then get into a box and go to work. We work all day in a box, putting in hours typing, searching, playing, and dreaming on a box, then drive home in a box only to then sit back down and watch a box until it is time to go to bed. Then rinse and repeat.

Camping brings a welcome break to the mundane tasks of a 9 to 5 work day.