Later on that day an announcement over the school P.A. system called out for Chris to make his way down to the office. Like all classrooms full of kids, everyone started saying…”oooooooh you’re in trouble…”. Chris just shook his head and said, “Shut up!”
Walking into the office, Chris saw his dad, the principal and the teacher whose phone Theaux took. Immediately Chris knew something was up. Chris was called into the principal’s office. There, he was shown the video Theaux took on the teachers’ phone. Chris had nothing to say. Neither did his dad. The principal told him there was no room for bullies in this school and that he had a three-day suspension to think about what he had done.
Chris’s dad walked out of the office without ever saying a word to Chris. In fact, the whole way home was silent. Chris kept thinking to himself, wondering what type of punishment his dad was going to give him.