Imitating Crow

(Full Audio Version of this Story is Located at the bottom)

There once was a crow always loved imitating other animals. One day he was perched on the edge of a cliff when he saw a hawk circling around in the air. The hawk then swooshed down on the ground and took the hunt in its claws. The crow who was observing it said to himself, “Hmph, that is no big deal. I can do the same.” 

The next day he saw the hawk again. This time the crow mimicked the hawk. He circled in the air, but much higher than the hawk. The hawk swooshed down, picked a rabbit, and went back to its nest. The crow wanted to do the same. He saw a fat mouse moving around on the ground and aimed to pick it up. But the mouse was vigilant. He saw the crow and moved to the side. The crow crashed to the ground and broke his beak. 

The hawk, who was watching all of it, said, “Dear crow. I hope you have learned a lesson today. It is good to take inspiration, but bad to imitate. You are born with natural talents. Why not use them to hunt? You will be happier with the way you are than being someone else.” 

Thank You For Reading...

The Imitating Crow

           Written & Read By:  Dwayne R. Nawrocki  ( Founder of Campfire Stories and )


Camp Happy And With A Purpose!!