We need to try and Keep Nature Natural
How Do They Do It?
If you have ever read any camping blogs or articles, you will notice a lot of titles with “Tricks” or “Hacks” used throughout them. Many people think these tricks and hacks articles are written only for campers to find ways to save money. This is only partly true. Yes, we also want to save money where we can, but in reality, it simply caters to the campers mindset. Most campers are stewards of the land. They subconsciously want to keep the environment clean and healthy.
Many tricks and hacks described in these articles use items typically found around the house. These items are then repurposed, by modifying what they were originally intended for into something else. Usually to help remedy any un-foreseen need around the campsite. They then can take these tricks and hacks and “try them out” first. Cutting down on waste by reusing items. Saving money by not going out to buy new products. Even saving time and effort because they already have the tricks written out for them.
This might not work out well for camp retailers, but for the camper, and the environment, it’s pure gold.