Little Camper

Little Brian is the youngest of three boys. They lived a simple enough life in a small town. His dad works in accounting and his mom was a nurse. Of course, his brothers were constantly plotting to pick on little Brian. Other than that, they all enjoyed a nice life. Plenty of food on the table, warm bed to sleep in, clothes to wear, and plenty of gifts on birthdays and Christmas. 

Little Brian however never really seemed to know where to fit in. His brothers are very book smart and athletic. So naturally they always seemed to have good report cards and were constantly hanging out with their teammates after school. 

Little Brian however, brought home mediocre grades from school. He always said he hated school and that he must just be dumb because he couldn’t understand anything. Although he had some friends at school, they never really seemed to want to play outside with Little Brian. All they wanted to do is sit inside and play video games.  

One day Little Brian’s teacher introduced a new student to his class.  

“This is Little Bright Feather,” said the teacher. 

The students all had a chuckle at the little boy’s name. 

“Settle down Now!” instructed the teacher. “Little Bright Feather is from an Ojibwe (Oh-Gee-Bway) tribe from Northern Michigan. You guys remember where Michigan is from our geography lesson right class.” 

Everyone is the class responded, “Yes Mr. Williams.” 

“I want you all to be kind to Little Bright Feather. He is new in town and probably a little nervous and scared. You guys know what it is like to be nervous and scared right?”  

“Yes Mr. William,” the class replied again. 

Soon Little Bright Feather took his seat right behind Little Brian.

At recess. Little Brian saw Little Bright Feather out in a field building a small Teepee out some sticks.  

Little Brian asked, “What are you doing?” 

“I’m building a little Teepee. It reminds me of home.” said Little Bright Feather. 

“You lived in a Teepee?” asked Little Brian. 

“No of course not,” said Little Bright Feather “My grandfather would take me camping and would teach me all about the way my tribe lived.” 

“Cool” said Little Brian. 

“Can you teach me?”  

“Of course,” said Little Bright Feather. 

The two of them were always out in the field during recess. Little Bright Feather would teach Little Brian everything his grandfather taught him about the Ojibwe culture and the way they lived. 

Little Bright Feather told Little Brian that his grandfather said, “All you need to know you can learn from nature. You can learn to count by practicing on counting berries on a plant or rocks on the ground. You can do math by putting some rocks together and take them away. You can learn science by watching how the world around you works. Like how a big oak tree will drop an acorn and a squirrel will bury it in the ground and another oak tree will grow from it. That is the cycle of life.” 

For the first time in his life Little Brian seemed to enjoy learning something. Little Brian always enjoyed the outdoors and never felt right inside learning from books. He liked to be outside exploring. 

Throughout the year Little Bright Feather and Little Brian became best of friends. One day Little Bright Feather asked Little Brian if he could go on a camping trip with him and his grandfather. 

After lots of begging and doing all his chores, Little Brian was allowed to go camping with Little Bright Feather and his grandfather. 

While camping, Little Brian was polite and listened to everything Little Bright Feathers’ grandfather said. Little Brian picked up on everything about camping so fast Little Bright Feathers’ grandfather was very impressed. 

“Have you ever been camping before,” ask his grandfather. 

“No sir, this is my first time!” exclaimed Little Brian. 

“Well then, you’re a natural camper,” spoke Little Bright Feathers’ grandfather 

Little Bright Feather and Little Brian were out exploring in the woods later on. Little Bright Feather told little Brian that his grandfather always has ritual at the end of each camping trip, and tonight, because it is your first-time camping, he wants to welcome you into the Ojibwe family and give you a name.  

“This is a Very Big Honor with our people,” exclaimed Little Bright Feather, “It means you are part of our people and will be expected to learn our ways.” 

For the first time in his life, Little Brian finally felt like he belonged.

Later on that night, around the campfire, Little Brian and Little Bright Feather sat next to each other on the ground. Little Bright Feathers’ grandfather began to speak. 

“Nature is our teacher, and we are our students. Everything we need to know, we can learn from nature.” 

Little Brian looked at Little Bright Feather and smiled. “That’s what you said he told you.” whispered Little Brian. 

“This boy…,” Little Bright Feathers’ grandfather motioned for Little Brian to join him. “This boy is truly one with nature. I can see it in his spirit. From this point forward he will be called….Little Camper”. 

Little Brian smiled so big. Little Bright Feathers’ grandfather took some smashed-up berries and drew a symbol on Little Brians forehead. 

When Little Brian got home, he told his family all about how Little Bright Feathers’ grandfather gave him a new name and welcomed him as part of the Ojibwe family. Little Brians parents were so happy to hear him excited about something. Little Brian told them how Little Bright Feathers’ grandfather said everything he needed to know about he could learn from nature. Little Brians parents agreed with him and congratulated him on his new Ojibwe name. 

Little Bright Feather and Little Brian were always seen together playing outside, learning from nature. Little Brian spent so much time outside and camping out in his back yard, even Little Brians family started to call him Little Camper.   

From that day on Little Brian’s, or Little Camper’s, grades started to improve, because he started taking what lessons he learned in the classroom and going out in nature to understand them better. 


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Gift Activities that go well with this story

Kids play tent and toys for 3-7 year old boys or girls.

Full Camping Gear Set with Pretend Campfire, Exploration Bug Catching kit and more.

The Idea Box

Kids Backyard Outdoor/Nature Activity Box

Ages 3-10: Over 60 Activities

These are just a couple quick gift activities which I have found that go well with this story. As an Amazon associate, I do earn a small commission from qualifying purchases. Ultimately I just hope you enjoyed time sharing the story with your kids around the campsite or at home.

Thankyou For Reading...

"Little Camper"

       Written & Read By:  Dwayne R. Nawrocki  ( Founder of Campfire Stories and )


Camp Happy And With A Purpose!!