Simple Camper's Prayers
For A Healthy, Safe and Fun Camping Trip
Before you go camping:
You’ve done all your research. You watched YouTube videos, talked with other campers, even found strange advice from people on social media. You read blogs and articles about what to do if the weather turns bad. Even more on all the things you can do when the weather is good. All your gear is packed up and you’re ready to relax. You’ve taken the time to plan out the perfect camping vacation. What you can’t research and plan for is the unexpected.
All You Have To Do Is Ask:
It’s nice to know, whatever God or Higher Power you believe in, that your best interests are always being looked after. It is even nicer that all you have to do is ask, through Prayer.
No Matter What You Believe In:
Good news! You don’t have to be overly religious to go camping. Most campers feel the presence of God or a Higher Power in nature. You may feel it when hiking through the forest and all of a sudden you get that moment of clarity. Where everything feels right with the world. Perhaps a moment of Zen falls upon you when you are staring at a campfire crackling in the darkness of night. When your mind stops racing and thinking of all your troubles and worries. You may not be able to explain it but you know it’s real because you Feel it.
Ask Through Prayer:
Prayer is that time you allow yourself to take the time and speak with your God or Higher Power. To ask for guidance, forgiveness, strength, clarity of mind or whatever may be on your mind at any particular moment. Prayers do not have to be memorized and chanted over and over again for them to be affective. They simply have to be from the heart.
Some campers, such as yourself, might still like a little guidance of where to start or how to express their feelings into words. A way to express asking for a safe camping trip. Keeping everyone safe and healthy. For pleasant weather and a good time.
Feel free to change the words to match your situation or be more specific for what your are Praying for.
Camper’s Prayers
That Will Help Get You Started
(Choose Your Prayer To Scroll To It)
Camping With Loved Ones
Camping is often done with family or friends. Praying for good times and good memories while growing closer together is a great way to start your camping trip. You are setting a purpose for why you are going camping together in the first place.
I pray that my loved ones (family/friends) and I will have a wonderful experience as we go camping. I pray that this will be an opportunity for us to grow in our relationship and drive us all to become even closer to one another. I pray that we will enjoy this camping trip and be able to create fun memories. For this I ask through you.
Many campers love to go hiking. Asking for safety and protection on your exploration through nature, delivers a clear message of your respect for nature and all the dangers it can contain.
I pray for Your mercy as we traverse the land you provided for us. Protect us from any harm or danger as we hike or walk in the wild until we safely reach our destination. I pray that no one will be injured while hiking. For this I ask through you.
For Yourself
You can’t help others if you don’t help yourself. Praying for yourself should not be seen as selfish, rather a way you can ensure that you are able to spread your knowledge and skills with others. While being safe and still finding time to unwind and be happy.
Give me the grace to always be alert and aware of my surroundings as I camp. Help me to always serve and help others and never be lazy, letting others do all the things that need to be done. I also pray that I will be able to relax and have a fruitful time on this camping trip. May this adventure enable me to learn more camping skills, which may benefit me in the future. For this I ask through you.
During Your Camping Trip
You can prepare for some things, but you can’t be prepared for all things. It’s ok to ask for protection from all things unseen or things that are out of your control.
I pray that you will protect our camp from any harm or danger. If there are any dangerous wild animals in the area, I pray that You would keep them away from our campsite. I pray that no accident will happen and that no one shall get sick during our stay. I pray for pleasant weather, that no heavy rain or dangerous storms shall occur. For this I ask through you.
Home From Camping
Showing appreciation for any gift is good manners. You had the opportunity to go camping as a vacation. You possibly learned new skills. You received the opportunity to do, see and experience new things. It might not have gone exactly the way you wanted but you are back and safe. Don’t forget to simply say “Thank You!”
I thank You for the wonderful and fruitful time we had during our camping trip. I thank You because I learned new skills and created new memories with my friends/family. Thank You for keeping us safe when we were camping and traveling. Praise be to You.
Final Thought:
Prayer is a personal connection with you and your Higher Power. It centers your Heart, Mind, Body, and Soul. It helps direct you to the goals you wish to achieve. The trail might not always be easy, the weather might not always be perfect, and the campsite might not always be ideal, but with the right attitude and a little prayer, you can always have a Great Time Camping.
Thank You!!
I Pray That These Prayers Found You Well.
*A Special Thanks To How To Pray The For The Inspiration For This Post
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And Remember…
Camp Happy And With A Purpose!!