5th Wheel Camper Trailer

What Are 5th Wheel Camper Trailers?
5th Wheels are typically the largest of all the different styles of trailers. They are easily recognizable by their extended front top half of the trailer. This is because this area generally sits above the bed of a pickup or semi-truck. Underneath this overhang is where the towing connection sits.
A Quick History
5th Wheels are not like regular Camper Trailers because of the style they are hitched and towed around in. The term “5th Wheel” dates back to the early days of the Horse and Carriage times. Early in the 1850’s many companies started using the horse and carriage to do most of their shipping and hauling of goods. However, they noticed that it was difficult to maneuver long carriages through the tiny streets because of the original solid frame design.

A Better Design Was Needed
So, a design came along where the front part of the trailer had a horizontal wheel on it which would act as a pivoting point of which the trailer could rotate independently of the frame with which the horses and driver where attached. This horizontal wheel was considered to be the “5th Wheel” on the trailer. That is all the history lesson I am going to give about how the 5th wheel got its name.
The 5th Wheel design leads to better maneuverability and control of the trailer because it moves the trailer closer to the cab of the truck and has a wider pivoting base. The wider pivoting base also helps to stabilize the trailer better resulting in a smoother and quieter ride. A regular “Bumper Pull” ball hitch sits lower and farther away from the cab of the truck, still allowing it to maneuver easily but because of its smaller pivoting surface area and distance away from the cab of the vehicle, allows the trailer to sway and bounce when traveling down the road.

The Concept That Lead To Bigger Trailers
Both forms of hooking a trailer work well, however the big difference comes to how big the trailer is and how much it weighs. Consider taking two blocks with a longer board on top of each sticking out further on one side than the other. Now take those boards and overlap the longer of the two sides at the ends of each other. You will notice that the boards tend to “sag” where they are overlapped. This is very similar to a ball and hitch system most travel trailers use. Trailers that don’t weigh as much and are smaller work well with the ball and hitch system because they will not cause much of a downward pressure on the hitch so there will be less of a sag at the pivot point. Now take those two blocks with the boards on top and move them closer together. You will see less of a “sag” because the blocks are supporting much more of the weight. This is the concept of the 5th wheel design and why you will notice that a lot of 5th wheel trailers are larger than some of the largest of Travel Trailers.

Truly A House On Wheels!
5th wheel trailers still all comes with the same creature comforts of home. Kitchens with a refrigerator, stove top/oven, microwave, dining and entertainment area, full bathrooms and some come with the ability to hook up a dishwasher and washer/dryer. They even have centralized heating and cooling systems. Not to mention sleeping areas and slide outs to make the living quarters a little more comfortable and roomier when in use.
The biggest difference with the 5th Wheel travel trailers is simply the method of which it hooks up to your truck. This means you will need a heavy-duty pickup truck or semi-truck to haul around your trailer. Not only for the size of the trailer itself, but to house the mounted hitch mechanism to. If you already have one of these types of vehicles or are looking to get one, plus if you want a little more space in your trailer but not lose any maneuverability and control when traveling down the road, a 5th wheel trailer is probably the way to go.

Be Your Own Realtor. Search For The Right One.
Again, there are many different styles and floor designs with 5th wheel travel trailers, so it is best to take your time and do some research before you purchase one. Find a reputable dealer and tour some different styles. Many of these trailers can cost just as much as a house which is fitting because with the size and creature comforts these trailers have, they pretty much are a house on wheels.

Thank You For Reading About 5th Wheel Camper Trailers.