The Little White Dog
(Full Audio Version of this Story is located at the Bottom)
Gretta was known as the little old lady in town. Not because she was old but because she always seemed to have little hard candies in her purse. She was pretty active for an old lady. Gretta had been living alone for the past two decades ever since her husband had passed away for unknown reasons. Gretta was often seen taking long walks with her little white dog Frankie. She named the little white dog after her late husband.
Gretta found Frankie abandoned as a puppy by a dumpster near the local supermarket. Frankie loved everyone and was such a well behaved little white dog. Gretta went everywhere with that little white dog.

Gretta lived alone on the outskirts of town. She lived in her dream house that her and her husband built together. She often told people that she could never leave, even though it was hard for her to take care of the big old house all by herself. Because she lived so far away from town, with the nearest neighbor half a mile away, she was often got a little scared at night. That was until Frankie came along.
Frankie was always by Gretta’s side and Gretta felt comforted by the fact that Frankie was always there to protect her. The only time Frankie was not by Gretta’s side was when he was in front of the fireplace. Frankie loved laying by the fireplace in the winter. Though she loved Frankie, he was not allowed to sleep on the bed at night. So, when Gretta would go to bed, he would sometimes go and lie in front of the warm coals. Usually, though, he slept at the very edge of the bed on a throw rug.
If Gretta ever became frightened by a noise or had a nightmare, she would put her hand down to the little white dog and he would lick it reassuringly.
On a chilly winter night, Gretta was reading her newspaper just before going to sleep. She shivered and pulled the comforter up around her as she read that a there have been a series of robberies in the tri-county area. Most of the robberies took place when the victims were not at home, but there were a couple where the robberies took place while the homeowners were sleeping. Then they weren’t just robberies, but robberies and homicide. The victims were found in their beds with their throats cut. Authorities did however have a couple suspects in custody for questioning but warned homeowners to take precautions and keep their doors locked at night.

Gretta reached down beside the bed and felt a lick on her hand turned out the lights and tried to sleep. She kept thinking about the news article, which made her toss, and turned fitfully. Again, she reached down to where the little white dog slept. Sure enough, a warm, wet tongue began to lick her hand. Gretta felt reassured and safe, and left her hand dangling off the bed as she turned and settled in comfortably. She opened her eyes for a moment and looked through the open door into the living room.
There, in front of the fireplace, laid her little white dog, gazing at the coals in the fireplace and wagging his tail.
And down beside the bed something was still licking her hand.
The Little White Dog
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“The Little White Dog.”
Original Story is considered to be an Urban Legend and has many variations throughout the Years.
Re-Written & Edited By: Dwayne R. Nawrocki (Founder of Campfire Stories & S’more)