Hauling the Toy Hauler
Toy Haulers tend to be a little bit longer because of the extra space needed, but they still vary in length and come in different floor plans. However, the width and height have to be more consistent to not exceed most state and federal guidelines for travel vehicles. Most have a width between 96”-102” (8 to 8.5 feet) and a height between 160”-168” (13.3 to 14 feet). Any Toy Hauler exceeding these dimensions will be considered oversized and will have to follow different guidelines, including getting special travel permit. It is always a good idea to check with your local state guidelines or travel destination guidelines to be sure you are complying with all laws. Plus it is good to note that when checking these laws if they are measuring to the top of the trailer or to the highest part, which can be the top of a roof mounted A.C. Unit.