Camp Happy And With A Purpose !!
Goals of this site

Created By:
Dwayne R. Nawrocki
When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe . - John Muir
First of all, I want to thank you for taking the time to find out a little bit more about me and this site. I know you have plenty more interesting things to do, than read a short bio of who I am and what my vision of this site is. By doing this you are proving to yourself that you really are interested in bettering your camping experience. Anyone can just go out into the woods and spend the night. You are looking to further your knowledge and searching for more creative ideas to bring to your world of camping. Not only for yourself but for your friends and family. Which again proves, you are a true camper and a true steward of the earth.
A Little Bit About Me:
My name is Dwayne R. Nawrocki. Growing up in Sout East Michigan, I was lucky enough to be exposed to a multiple of different worlds. My family lived close enough to Detroit where my dad would make sure to take us to all the cultural event downtown had to offer. It wasn’t just for Football, Baseball, Basketball and Hockey games. He also made sure to take us to the History, Art and Science Museums along with the ever-popular Car shows. We also lived far enough from the big city where we could venture out and get more of taste of small-town cultural events. Like the Renascence fairs and even the occasional rodeos and drive in movie theatres. Some of these events were dress up, black tie events. Some were the everyday casual dress event. Whatever the event, and whatever the occasion, my dad made sure that we knew the proper ways to conduct ourselves. We were taught to be kind and courteous to others, not to discriminate, be aware of your surroundings, and remember we were just visiting, so be on your best behavior. You can be sure if we did not behave according to the occasion, we would know it.

Even being given the opportunity to visit all these different events, there was only one thing that we did that seemed to just click for me. That was camping. At least once a year, my family would venture up to the northern parts of Michigan and go camping. This was by far the most favorite memories of my childhood. I always loved getting away to nature, cooking outside over an open fire, playing in the vast wilderness, and learning how to be a little more self-sufficient. This is also where I learned that camping itself was more of a communal affair. We would often visit different campgrounds, where, when we got there, we wouldn’t know anyone, but by the time we left, we knew our camp neighbors and different variations of camping. It didn’t matter who everyone was outside the campgrounds in the real world, we were all the same in the camping realm. Everyone shared their resources and their tips and tricks to make camping easier. Even today I feel none of this would have happened if it weren’t for the time-honored tradition of gathering around a campfire. Where these tips, tricks, and adventures were shared.
Goals of this site:
Times have changed sense I was younger camping with my family. With the advent of new technologies bringing the whole world to the palm of our hands, adversely seeming to draw people closest to us, further away.
I am creating this site to simply put the spark back into that communal experience. I always loved hearing stories around the campfire. It seemed to transport all of us to a different world, but together. Where we would later share our interpretations of the story or what we learned from it. I also loved seeing all the different gadgets and gizmos that people had at their campsite to enhance their camping experience.

Now that much of the world is online, I figured I should join the party and share my knowledge, research and experiences that I have had throughout my years of camping. My hope, is to create a site where, I can share with you many different stories people have come up with to tell around the campfire. To combine and organize these stories and make it a little easier to for you to find one that will soot your needs. I also want to have an area where I can share some tips, tricks, and resources which will actually help you in your next camping experience. Not to just be a site full of…here is a whole bunch of camping stuff you can buy, and have you sort through what you actually need.
My vision is to continue to update this site, build upon it, and in time, create a respectable resource you can turn to. For when you need some inspiration for your next camping experience. Hopefully, together we can bring back that spark and wonder to the next generation of campers that I once had, and that I’m sure you once felt.
Thank You!!!
Thank you again for taking the time to read a little bit about me. Where I get my inspiration from and what is my hopes are to provide you in this site.